Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Not an Idiot

Not a whole lot is going on today, so this is actually kind of boring. But I think I accidently said yesterday that I wouldn't mind running into David Wright, third baseman of the Yankees. I actually realized this morning that I believe he is on the Mets. It doesn't really matter though - the point remains the same. I just didn't want everyone to think I'm an idiot.

So...I decided to take the plunge and go to my first wedding sans date. I asked three friends - one boy and two girls - all who had previous commitments. Following my three strikes and you're out rule, I will be giving it a go alone. Technically, this is nothing to worry about, I'm self-sufficient, but there is always a small part of you that wonders if you'll be the girl dressed up in her prom dress standing against the wall waiting for someone to ask her to dance. So to combat this possibility, I decided I will just get drunk and dance on my own- a plan which I've already run by the bride-to-be and gotten approved. She said she'd be doing the same. I warned her Shakira may be involved. She was okay with this. I also think some co-workers are going alone so that is good as well. However, if anyone out there is in the NY/NJ area on Saturday and has no plans, you know where to find me.

A First in Test-Taking
I took a test today to gauge my expertise in Word, Excel and Powerpoint to be able to freelance at my friends job and I was slightly disappointed to learn that I only rank in the 70th percentile of each. I found this slightly insulting, as when it comes to test-taking, I always want to be number one. I still remember the feeling of smug satisfaction when getting my standardized tests back and finding out that I technically ranked superior to 99% of my schoolmates. I even studied super hard for my driver's test when getting my permit so that would score a 100% (I missed one question.) Anyways, my weaknesses are the finer points like mail merges and charts...which made me feel a little bit better, but not really.


It's slightly unnatural that I'm beyond pumped for free food at Morimoto tonight. My friends and I were discussing over the weekend that its lucky we found each other because we all love food so much. Or maybe that's why we're all friends. Who knows. A. even remarked that she gets pumped to go to bed because that means breakfast is coming and I don't know anyone who gets more excited about eating dinner than I do. However, I've heard so much about the shrimp tempura at Morimoto, that I'm afraid I'm going to be disappointed unless they are dusted in gold and taste like rainbows. We'll see. I'm also super excited to debut an awesome new outfit that I have - which will hopefully make up for any disappointment the shrimp may provide. Hopefully tomorrow provides more interesting things to write about than this.

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