Friday, September 30, 2005

It's Days Like This...

Even as I write this I'm in a hotel room on the beach in North Carolina...I've got the patio door open, I'm laying in bed, I could probably stay here forever if I could be supplied a never-ending stream of books, decent food and of course, millions of dollars in the instance I decide to venture out.

It's days like this that I am happy to be where I currently am, and alternately sad that I can't yet afford to live like this every day..not just on business trips. I wish I could just throw open the doors to my beach house, work on my next best-selling novel and revel in my own greatness and wealth....wouldn't that be nice?

However, I did just get a promotion ..(I'll let the applause die down) and what I suppose would be a good raise, but wasn't an amount of money that's going to get me that beach house anytime soon. I truly like my job, I'm challenged by it and I'm genuinely interested in trying to become the best...but I'm always tempted to quit and work on my book, which would no doubt be optioned for a movie, which I would of course negotiate to receive a portion of the profits from, therefore rendering me an instant millionaire. I had an offer to quit, move in with someone and try to do just that....but I turned it down and sometimes you can't help but wonder if that was the right decision after all. Cause let's face it, that would be pretty f*ing awesome to do. Instead, I'm going to try and do it the hard on the book by night when I'm mentally exhausted and tempted by Lost, the OC, Reunion, Law and Order, CSI and pretty much all of Court TV to push to the side. Which happens more often that it does not (and by that I mean like 98% of the time...) Sigh....

Well, my introspective a$$ has to go take myself down to happy hour before we go out to dinner. Woe is me....maybe this job isn't too bad after all....


Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Online Dating Game

Being newly single I’ve been contemplating the world of online dating. A surprising amount of friends and co-workers are on and and I just read an article today about how the stigma from online dating is now gone.

I’m just not so sure. First of all, I’ve heard that its mostly honest girls, like myself, being e-mail bombed largely by sleazy, short, fat and balding older guys. This is not true across the board and you totally have the power to not respond and block people…but who wants to sit there and weed out 1000 losers to meet one potential loser?

On the other hand, I don’t think there’s ever been one time in my life (or in the lives of my friends) that I’ve met someone at a bar, at a club or any place like that. I don’t think I have any parties coming up and my friends are like 98 percent female which eliminates the friends-of-friends idea….

Just something to contemplate…

I’ll be back in a few days, going on a business trip until Saturday. Lates!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

More Hollywood Marraiges Gone Horribly Wrong

Thanks to A.G. for sending this morning another reason why young Hollywood need not get married. In the last three days, the following couples are announcing or will be announcing their divorces...

- Sophia Bush and Chad Michael Murray- marriage duration: 4 months (This soooo better not affect this season of One Tree Hill or I'll be super angry)
- Tori Spelling and her Unknown Actorish Boyfriend- marriage duration: 1 year (Proving the age old adage that billions of dollars + no acting talent + a resume with movies like "Mother, May I Sleep with Danger" = washed up Donna)
- Jaime Lynn Sigler and her Manager Boyfriend- marriage duration 2 years (snooze)

Expected, at least on my end to let the truth free soon:
- Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey (Oh come on, you know they're only together b/c they have those ABC contracts for Nick and Jessica's Corny Holiday Extravanzas)
- Britney and Kevin- When he dumps for a Vegas stripper (my prediction anyways, b.c really isn't that only like one step below Britney to begin with? )
- Demi and Ashton- I know they just got married like a day ago, but she's crafty that Demi...she'll get pregnant and then one up Ashton by dating a fetus.
Your Brother Didn't Rap Aaron Carter....Mine Did

Many of you may know my little brother, some of you out there may even be related to him. If you have met Lil L. you know that his life is not like others. He knows everyone, sees everything. Have you ever battle rapped Aaron Carter? Cause Lil L. did. And won. Dirty style.

Apparently Aaron lives in Margate and popped into the club my brother promotes. I should preface this by saying that I've always hated Aaron Carter. I thought he was super corny. And living in the shadow of an older brother named Nick Carter, the absolute worst of the Backstreet Boys, is not any way to become famous.

But luckily my little bro avenged the wrong done on the world when Aaron Carter decided to pursue a career in music. While Aaron was doing pre-written rhymes about money and guns, my little bro freestyled the his own words...

"now ur up on stage tryin to rap for applause, but how gangsta can u be at the teen choice awards?"

"your only famous cuz of ur sibling, family like paris n nicki hilton, better yet jessica and ashlee simpson"

(then he started dancing so i gave it to em even worse)

look at this kid, skinny lookin lik cancer, looks like im the famous one, and ur my backup dancer"

"you see how ghetto i am, tryin to win>? whatd u think? its past ur curfew lil boy, ur not even old enuff to drink"

And the one that sent him packing...

"what was your name again?, AC that not very smart see, cuz for the past 10 mins i thought u were Jesse Mccartney"

awwww yeah!