Friday, December 09, 2005

P.S. For all interested parties, tonight Tucker Max is celebrating his move to New York with the opening of his new club (not his, he's just an investor) Vapor. I would be going except for a.) the aforementioned going away party b.) they want like $35 even though its all you can drink but most importantly c.) I don't want to be like a total pro-ho (my term for girls who hang around professional athletes, famous people and whatnot) b/c that's just feeding his ego, which he needs no help feeding.

I will however, probably be making stops at this bar frequently in order to try and cop a sighting.
I am totally exhausted right now and cannot concentrate on one single thing. I’ve had a coffee, an iced tea and Coke and yet I could still fall asleep for like 12 hours straight. I can however, write this apparently, so maybe I should just call a spade, a spade and admit that I’m lazy. The good news is, I proved that I totally earned my promotion this week. I’ve been a wheelin, dealin, crazy busy PR girl…scoring hits, negotiating, coordinating, writing, I’ve been nuts. So I deserve to be tired on Friday.

By 11 a.m. I had already worked a full day. I had a fight with Dr. Widget via email, I worked my A$$ off to get info to a producer in New England who bumped my segment three minutes before it was going to start taping, I got an awards book out the door, continued being Ringleader for the committee coordinating the holiday party we have not yet booked and its next Friday…and a variety of other activities. It’s now 2 p.m. and I’m mentally dead - finito. I also had three beers last night at some dive bar with my co-workers which is not helping today. I got home at 10 a.m. all buzzed cause I hadn’t eaten, texted like a mad woman, ate some veggie salad and fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night dying of thirst…and as testament to how dehydrated I was (veggie salad was salty I guess…) I had drank three glasses of water in the middle of the night and never had to pee! That’s a first cause I normally go every 5 minutes.

Tonight I’m headed to NJ for the going away party of my aunt, uncle and cousin, provided my aunt actually is in NJ, b/c she was supposed to fly in this morning and this morning it was like winter wonderland outside. Otherwise, it’s a party for my uncle and cousin. My other cousin is supposed to pick me up at the ferry but she is currently missing in action. So I may very well be stranded at the ferry.

Of the high days and the low days that is my industry, today is definitely a low. Yesterday was a high when I kicked ass during a company-wide conference call. The weekend is not coming fast enough!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Yesterday was interesting in that I wound up discussing the idea of defining yourself with like three different people, all who brought the topic up to me. Perhaps it’s the impending holiday and New Year that’s making everyone so reflective, but it got me thinking on how I define myself…and why.

My friend M. and I didn’t actually “discuss” defining yourself, moreso than she blogged about it and I thought about it after I read it. Call that whatever you will, I’d like to think we telepathically discussed it. M.’s point focused on defining yourself by your husband, boyfriend or whatever, and how powerful women have men as accessories.

Which led to a discussion a shortwhile later among co-workers, including upper management, about defining yourself by your work. Many women in New York do define themselves by their jobs, just as equally as the men do. They are the heads of businesses, they have no children, they may or may not have a husband and for all intents and purposes their work is their life. They see their employees more than they see their sick moms, their young children, more than they see their husband who is working just as much. It’s an interesting way to live, looking at it from the outside, as I currently do.

And then I know many women who define themselves by their families. Who work to be able to give their children all the opportunities in the world, to take wonderful vacations, to chat with their friends each and every day.

And then P. and I discussed the possible blending of all three things. Is it possible to define yourself by your work, your spouse and your family? Will any of these three inevitably get short-changed? Even now, when women are more powerful than ever, are we still forced to make the choice between having a booming career and having a happy family? It’s hard to say.

In South Florida I knew one woman who thought she was doing a good job, but I thought she was failing miserably. When she was at work, she was on the phone with the nanny. When she was at home, she was calling into work. Whenever I asked how her kids were doing, she responded “Oh…driving me crazy!” And I always thought, how sad that she can never just say, “They are great, thank you for asking!” Rather, she turned the question on herself. She was going crazy, perhaps the kids were just fine.

And up here, where a woman with kids more than likely works for a woman without, I see the struggle within- staying late to finish that presentation or tucking the kids into bed. More often that not, I see the light on in the office.

A friend of mine, who is working his way up the ranks of managing a hedge fund, told me not so long ago that he was happy he had two female bosses. I asked him if it was because women were more understanding and nurturing as bosses, which has been my experience, and he told me no, because they leave the workplace after they have kids, which opens the door for him to go to right up the ranks. It struck me as so awful, because it was probably the truth! Even in my line of work, the number women who return to work after having babies is low and that bothers me tremendously. I have no idea what I will do when it comes time…but the trend, at least around the working professionals I hang around with, seems pretty clear.

So I ask again, how do we define ourselves among these choices? Internally, at this stage in my life, I define myself by my family and my work, and I hope I project both of those equally. My question is…will I always and at what cost?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

First Christmas Tree
So last night, I bought my first Christmas tree, it’s so cute. Just 3 1/2 feet tall and fits perfectly in the corner of my living room. Before I bought it, I got prepared and bought Christmas ornaments and lights. Then I picked up the tree and headed home. It was so light, I could carry it in my hand. And the way home, some little man, there was something wrong with him, but he was so cute, he looked the tree up and down and then said, “Nice Tree.” So cute! I was like “Thanks!!!

I got the tree home and up all five flights of stairs with not a needle lost. I get in the stand and get it standing up. I was so proud I took a picture, which is coming soon. I then decided I’d get to work on the lights.

Paying no attention whatsoever, I took the lights out of the box and started to unwind them. An hour later I had a huge knot, but I just figured I had messed up somewhere and that I had to get through the worst to get to the better. Two hours later, I’m watching Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer and I’m not quite aware I’m still untangling. Three hours later, I’m watching Law & Order and although I’m not quite sure why I’m still untangling I continue to do so. Four hours later, and I’m just beginning CSI when Annette comes home. I inform her I’ve been untangling for four hours and she sits down to help. About 25 minutes later, she picks up the box to see how the hell these things are supposed to be. She then informs me I’m a moron and that the lights are mesh. They’re supposed to be this net. I vaguely remember that when I took them out of the box, they were shaped in concentric circles. As it turns out, you’re supposed to put the top of the tree through the center and the lights drape down, so it looks like you strung lights through the branches, but in fact, you did not. FUUUUUUUCK. I untangled for FOUR HOURS. At least I thought I was untangling. I was in fact, destroying the lights. Which were beyond repair and instead of spending their first lighting on the tree, spent them in the trash. Luckily they were only $3.99 which may also be why those bitches didn’t come with DIRECTIONS. THANK YOU VERY MUCH RITE AID!!!

Alex Trebek
No one person on Earth inspires such hatred in me as Alex Trebek, though I continue to watch Jeopardy, but only to test my own knowledge. If he had a massive heart attack and died right during a Daily Double, I’d stand up and cheer. I hate the way he has to pretend like he knows all the accents when the answer involved another language b/c A.) He does not know all the accents and B.) He sucks at accents. I also hate the way he pretends like he knew the answer when someone answers incorrectly. He’s so condescending, like “Nooooo Mary, I’m sorry. The correct answer is, “What is Mount Kilomanjaro?” Then he always repeats with a useless fact, just to “impress” us, like “Mount Kilomanjaro, located in the Iberian Peninsula, lovely place.” FUCK YOU ALEX!! Like everyone at home doesn’t know you have the f*ing answer on a computer screen in front of you! And no one cares what you think of the Iberian Peninsula. God I hate him!

Anyways, last night, the first round opens and Alex actually says, “Get ‘er done.” I was like what the fuck??? Did Alex just say Get ‘er done??? Now we’re supposed to think he’s hip AND smart??? Can’t you just die already Alex? Die!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Whatever Happened to My Tolerance?

Ever since I began working, my social life Sunday-Thursday totally disappeared. At first, this was very traumatic to me, as during college, I very much had a drinking and dancing schedule that absolutely required me to be in various bars and clubs every night of the week except Sunday, motivated by the fear of missing the best night ever. That was back when I was young and spry and could still take notes after getting home at 4 a.m. and waking up at 7:30 a.m. One time, I actually did not even go to sleep and studied for a test I had at 8. I got an A. Jesus H. Christ are those days looong gone.

Or are they? Lately I have been trying to figure out why it’s so damn difficult to not have a fuzzy head when you go out during the week. I was never warned that there would come a day where I could not concentrate if I had a few drinks the night before. Didn’t I deserve some kind of ticker counting down the days until I was officially old? Doesn’t everyone? Did I just lose the amazing tolerance and mental capacity I obviously possessed ages 18-22? I was fed up. So I have attempted to turn back time the last two months or so with the implementation of “Thursday is the New Friday” happy hour at work, which has been a resounding success, if I don’t say so myself. We defy convention and go out on Thursdays, not only because Friday sucks, but because it helps prove you can go out during the week and not want to kill yourself the next day.

Last night, I decided to one up myself and went out drinking on a Wednesday. I have been humbled. Spaced out over a four-hour period, I had two beers and two glasses of wine. I ate dinner. I drank water. Goddamit I did everything right!!! Why, then, oh why, do I feel like I could die right in my chair right this second? I am so tired, my eyes could very literally fall right out of my head and roll out across my desk. This sucks and I hate it. I actually had to lay down for 15 minutes at lunch time to rest my eyes. WHAT THE HELL.

I am going to cowboy up though and go out for happy hour tonight, and my mission is to last at least one drink. Stay tuned for my impending death by exhaustion.