Monday, April 28, 2008

Miley Cyrus

I just read that now the Christian Coalition of America (CCA) wants Miley Cyrus to be held accountable for the semi-topless photos she just had published in Vanity Fair.

Okay, people, let's just hold on a second. Yes, Miley is 15, yes she is topless, okay, BIG HUGE DEAL, I GUESS. But the photo only shows her back. Is this really such a huge issue? Or am I really missing the point? Did anyone watch her writhing around on stage during Idol Gives Back? I found that much more sexual than this photo.

I just had the worst day ever (more on that later) so maybe my patience is a little thin, but Jesus H. Christ are we really that bored as a nation that this is national news of such epic proportions?

Recently, the New York Times broke a story about how the analysts for the government that we see on TV, the generals marching us into war, are actually PAID by the government to distribute the Bush administration's propaganda. This was picked up by a small handful of the news media, mostly the Sunday morning types. I would say this is a tad more important, don't you think? I probably should blog on this for HuffPo..but I don't have the energy. Instead, I'll complain here. But seriously...let's all really focus on the real issues of this world, shall we?

1 comment:

Jared Kaplan said...

How do you leave us with a "more on that later" when all we get later is nothing more?