Friday, January 06, 2006

Why is the Grass Greener?

Ever since the age of 18, I’ve been suffering from “grass is greener” syndrome. The idea in my head that no matter where I am, or no matter how well I’m doing, something else and somewhere else, would always have been better.

Seven years later, at the age of 25, I’ve discovered that I’m tired of playing this game and I just want to learn how to appreciate what I have, who I have, where I’m at. I thought the grass was greener in New York, and I learned that socially, yes you can’t beat it. But that’s not good enough. You have to live in New York in your space-economized apartments, work in New York with the most ambitious and career-oriented people you can possibly imagine, shop in New York for groceries where they may or may not carry your favorite brands, freshest fruits or best meats. Now don't get me wrong, I love it. I just don't love it enough. But I'm glad I did it. And now I want to go back to Florida where there is the 24/7 availability of the beach, bigger houses and the best grocery store of them all- Publix! But what’s my guarantee that when I get there, I won’t find myself longing for something else?

Perhaps you have to suffer through grass-is-greener syndrome in order to figure out what you want and where you want to be. If that’s the case, than I’ll be very happy in Florida. But the doubt still lingers in my mind and it drives me nuts. Or perhaps, age brings the realization that the grass is not indeed greener. That every place, every stage of life (every grocery store), has its pros and cons and you just have to learn to deal with them all. That no matter where you are there are going to be things you love, and you just have to make them outweigh the things you don’t.

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