Monday, January 29, 2007

Someone else's resolution

The year I let go of the dream
that things would be better,
if only I were a little different.

I saw this in someone else's resolution pile and decided to add it to my list and adopt it as my own. I guess it's just nice to know that sometimes you are not the only crazy one.

I thought a lot this weekend about the differences between men and women. How women overanalyze and men oversimplify. How women obsess and men can zone out. I didn't think about these things because I had to. I'm not going through a crisis. I'm not in the process of having my heart broken. I just decided to look down the line and see things that weren't there for no reason whatsoever. And I had to stop and ask myself why I would do such a thing. Why would I ruin a perfectly good day with something I imagined? Something that hasn't even happened yet?

And then I talked to my roommate and she was doing the same thing, for a slightly different reason, and we both had to stop and ask ourselves why would we do that? Are we genetically programmed? Are we just two crazy peas in a pod?

And then I read this and I kind of realized that this is what I do to myself. In a wierd way, even though I believe otherwise, I always find myself thinking that certain things are not going to happen to me. Not because I don't "deserve" them but because I just think "why me?" So when something potentially good comes along, I find I get swept along with it for a minute or two, only then to begin to sabotage it in my mind. Whereas, if the situation involved someone else besides me, that everything would continue along according to plan.

I have no idea if that makes sense whatsoever but suffice to say that after what was really an awesome weekend, I woke up this morning feeling like someone had died. I allowed myself last night to imagine a future where something bad had happened, and in doing so, actually believed that it would. And that it already did. That is crazy. One of my New Year's resolutions now has to be to stop doing this. To stop ruining today because of what I think might happen tomorrow. I hope I'm not the only person that does this, but since no one else is going to stop doing this for me, I have to stop doing it to myself. I've spent the better part of this morning trying not to throw up from the anxiety of an event that has not shown it's going to occur in any way. That's insane.

The good news is, I'm not the only one guilty of this sort of behavior...clearly the girl who wrote the above resolution is and my roommate too. But that doesn't make it right. And it's certainly not healthy. Getting this out on paper (or screen, as it were) has made the anxiety go away somewhat. I'm finishing my coffee and getting back to work now.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Best American Idol Article

I think this guy articulated a bit better on my thoughts about American Idol. I guess that's why he writes for Entertainment Weekly and I write on my own blog. Whatevs. If I was paid to write for Entertainment Weekly and didn't have to cram my blog writing into 10 minutes at lunchtime, then I could write this too. So back off.

The Glutton
Blaming the ''Idol'' judges for this season's perceived mean-spiritedness just isn't fair.

Another season of American Idol auditions means another season filled with incompetent singers cluelessly showcasing their wares for an entire country. But this year, something seems different. According to everything I've read and everyone I talk to, the judges of American Idol have suddenly gotten a lot meaner, lighting into contestants like never before. Frankly, this is hogwash. And frankly, I believe that is the first time I have ever used the word ''hogwash.'' Go back and watch season one — Simon was just as rude and crude as he is now. I don't see any difference there at all. That's not to imply that this season of Idol has not been meaner than past ones; it's just that the judges are not the ones to blame. The producers are.

Remember, it's not Simon, Randy, and Paula weeding out who makes it onto TV from the tens of thousands of applicants. The producers take care of that. They are the ones that pick out the people who make it before the holy trinity. Their job basically seems to consist of sorting stadiums full of auditioners into three groups, which are:

Group 1: The Really, Really Good
These people have genuine talent and are sent in to Simon, Randy, and Paula to see if they are worthy of being addressed as ''dawg'' and sent to Hollywood.

Group 2: The Really, Really Bad
These people have no talent whatsoever, yet are also sent in to Simon, Randy, and Paula as a form of comic relief. Their badness dominates the first few weeks of the show and enables us, the viewers, to feel better about ourselves through the mocking of others.

Group 3: Everyone else
Most people fall into this category — the mild, the mediocre, the middle-of-the-road. These people are dismissed on the spot since they are neither good enough to stand a chance at winning, nor bad enough to provide any good laughs.

Where this season's Idol differs from previous ones is that the people in Group 2 have gone from ''really, really bad'' to really, really sad. Some of the contestants being brought in front of the judges (and, in turn, a national audience) are clearly in need of help — and I'm not talking about vocal training. Nicholas Zitzman went beyond merely socially awkward, and there was something vaguely non-human about Darwin ''Mischa'' Reedy and her practically identical mother. But the show sunk to a new low with another debatably dynamic duo: Jonathan Jayne and Kenneth Briggs.

Kenneth was the guy Simon compared to a monkey, calling the bug-eyed contestant a ''bush baby.'' Some saw that as unnecessarily harsh, but Simon has never pulled any punches in his commentary on contestants' looks. This is nothing new, and he has actually uttered comments much worse than that. What made this situation different was the fact that Kenneth was even in the room to begin with, seeing as how he didn't — and I'm trying to be gentle here — appear to possess the highest IQ.

Which brings us to Jonathan Jayne. Jayne is a perfect example as to exactly why the judges are not to blame. For those who don't remember, Jonathan was the large guy who crooned ''God Bless America.'' Turns out he is a former Special Olympics participant. Paula was typically kind after his somewhat excruciating performance, but it should be noted that Simon was as well, even saying ''You're a nice guy. I like you, but this is not the career path for you.'' Randy then thanked him for showing up. So why again are the judges under fire? Heck, even Special Olympics International praised them for being ''gracious and very encouraging.''

Yet the judges are still catching the heat, when it was the field producers who put Jayne in the room to begin with. If it was to see him mocked, then they are evil. If it was to chalk up an easy and compassionate story line, then they are merely shamelessly exploitative. Either way, it's pretty classless. Now, let's move on before I emotionally shut down over the realization that I just wasted almost 700 words defending Paula freakin' Abdul.

Well played Mr. Dalton Ross. I know you have my agreement in this matter and I suspect, somewhere in New York, one Mr. J.K. feels the same.

McHivey Sheds the T'Necks

So good news. I am not doomed to wear turtlenecks forever and am in fact, at this moment, wearing my new shirtdress which is a V-neck!

After much debate, I decided my hive scars (and yes, I'm still slightly wounded if you look close) are not as horrible as they were and can be seen in the light of day. This is because tonight, I am going to see my future BFF Shaq Daddy and his sidekick/my hero D-Wade at MSG and I need to be prepared in the offchance that Life Dream #2 - my picture with Shaq while comparing handsizes - has even the slightest chance of coming true. Or, I'd even take the ability to stand next to Dwayne Wade and take a picture without him noticing that I am feeling him up somewhere in the stomach area. And I figured I should look hot for that just in case.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


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You can call me McHivey

So last Friday, my co-worker and I were in the mood for something substantive for lunch. Fast forward through a debate on the merits of sushi, Sbarro or Hale & Hearty, we finally decided Chipotle would do the trick.

After using their extremely fun online ordering option, I went over to the store to pick it up. Just FYI, avoid Chipotle during lunch hour. It's insane.

Anyways, fast forward again and I've eaten my steak burrito in like, world record time, and I'm sitting at my desk feeling perversely proud that I finished the whole thing yet simultaneously fat and disgusting, when my neck area starts to itch a bit.

I ignore this and continue working. I'm just giving a little scratch here and there, I was wearing a turtleneck and our office can get a bit warm, so I'm not really concerned at this point and I get up to go to the bathroom.

It's worth noting as well that the bathroom in this building has, what I consider, to be the most horrific lighting that I've ever seen in my life. This is great if you have a blemish that is driving you crazy. You can see everything. It's horrible if you thought you were looking somewhat decent that day, only to find that in the right light, you actually look like you may have gotten punched in the face while getting a nose job.

So as I'm washing my hands, I see a little red mark on my neck and I'm like what the hell is that? And I pull back the neck on my sweater and I swear to God, I look like I have been beaten with a live electrical wire. My entire neck and upper chest is COVERED in ugly, raised, red hives. I've never broken out in these kinds of hives closest friends (and now you as well) know that I have extremely sensitive skin and am, in fact, allergic to water. Not the hydrogen and oxygen part per se, but rather the impurities of water that most people dont' know are in there (because they don't have to.) When I get out of the shower, and the ocean, which is worse, I get these super awesome red blotches that fade in about 20 minutes, but really make me look amazingly hot in the meantime. And that was really awesome when you grow up on the beaches of Florida, p.s.

So anyways, these are for real hives. Not blotches. And I run back into the office and show my boss and ask what the hell is happening and she covers her mouth in horror. But there is nothing I can do, I have to go back to work and I do the best I can to make it through the remaining few hours of the day and get home.

On the way hope I stop and get Benadryl and hydrocortisone cream (plus a new nailpolish and mascara, as is my m.o. is to buy beauty products whenever when faced with a crisis)and speedwalk to my apartment.

Up my five flights of stairs, I am literally stripping because the hives are so itchy now that they've been covered under my down jacket and as I'm walking through the door, P. is on the couch and I'm taking off my sweater.

Her immediate expression was one for the ages, but she asks if I've been burned...and I say no! I think F*ing chipotle gave me hives! And she is like oh my god! what the FUCK! and i run to my full length mirror and it was just unbelievable. it looked like i was stung by bees or something.

So I finally apply all my products (the mascara sucked p.s.) and just lay in bed cause clearly I am not going anywhere, which was sad, because it was Friday and I actually wanted to do something. But P. came in and laid down with me and we watched American Idol together. Then A. comes in talking on the phone, goes to the refrigerator, checks out P. and I in bed together hysterical laughing at American Idol, with me laying in sweatpants and bra covered in hives and hydrocortisone, and does the best double take I've ever seen. She almost drops the phone, mouths "have you been burned?" and then breaks into hysterical laughter.

The hydrocortisone only made me itch worse so I signed on WebMD to figure out how to solve this medical dilemma and it says take a hot shower and rinse with mild soap. So I do and I immediately feel better.

And then throughout the weekend the hives got better, and today, I look only like I may have had a skin condition in my youth. Thank god for turtlenecks is all I can say...after work yesterday I went to H&M to buy more sweaters (ok, i go everyday now and buy something regardless of whether there is a need or not) and I applaud the fact that I can now dress up and cover my current skin shortcomings at the same time.

It is perplexing though, because I love Chipotle but my love of it has never caused a medical flare-up. I'm somewhat tempted to buy another steak burrito to see if it happens again, but I will wait til the current wounds heal before deciding whether to do that.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hillary Clinton

To whoever posted the questions regarding my views on Hillary Clinton, just FYI, I will answer all of that I just am too busy at work to devote the time right now. But I do know how to answer, I just dont' have the time to do it right at the moment.

On a lighter note, I watched Heroes last night and I just have to reiterate how cool this show is. If you are not watching it, you should...and speaking of shows you should be watching "Friday Night Lights" is such an amazing program. I use these shows, along with "24" to make myself feel better that I love shows like The Hills so much. a category all by itself, American Idol. I just love it SO MUCH. I hadn't had the time to watch last week's episodes until this past weekend so I couldn't weigh in on the debate surrounding whether Idol was poking too much fun at the rejects, but now that I've had a chance to watch, my answer is a firm NO.

More often than not, the contestants seem to have watched the show and know what they are getting into. For those who audition without seeing the show, you're an idiot and I'm not even going to waste my time. But for those, who claim to have watched and then go on and sing like the Lion from the Wizard of Oz, or scream out their song, or shriek at decibels I didn't even know the human voice was capable of reaching or who are just plain disillusioned...I'm sorry, you DESERVE it!

My question is...if you are actually going to get upset/angry/bitter at what the judges say to you when you suck, you probably should have stayed at home. Every day, I write on this blog every I think are funny or amusing. If someone wrote me right this second and said "you suck, you are unfunniest person in the history of bloggers" there really is nothing I could say because I put that out there for consumption, take it or leave it.

And furthermore, WHERE ARE THESE PEOPLE'S PARENTS AND FRIENDS??? Are there really that many people in the world who have families and friends who would actually let them go on there and sing/act/juggle/dress up the way they do for real? Are there really people out there that have someone saying to them, You have a chance?

I'm astounded but I LOVE IT!!! Thank you parents and friends who actually hate their kids and people they supposedly "care" about, because you are making one girl out on the East Coast the happiest person in the world on Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. EST!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Another Reason to Hate Ohio State

Forget the fact that they were proven to be the most overrated college football team ever (Welcome to the SEC...) or that Troy Smith was undeserving of his Heisman Tropy...this is the true reason to hate Ohio State.

Keep a close eye on number 55 as he takes cheap shots at my future baby daddy Tim Tebow. There are just two things you don't do in this world:

1.) Put Baby in the corner.
2.) Take a cheap shot at Tim Tebow.

So two cheap shots? Ummmm just no. I don't care how big Curry is, should I ever run into him in a dark alley, I'm going to jump him from behind and kick his A$$. When you have to resort to this type of play, it's really no wonder why you lost so bad. I mean...besides the fact that you just suck totally...


Just a happy note that Mark Wahlberg has been nominated for his first Oscar for his role in "The Departed!" Hooray! I personally thought Mark was better than both Leo and Jack Nicholson in the movie and I'm glad he got the recognition for it.

This can only mean one thing - more movies with Mark Wahlberg in the future! Yeah! Sadly it may also mean that now that he's an Oscar-nominee his shirtless scenes might decrease. I'm really not entirely sure I can live with that...but for the time being I'll bask in the golden-tinted glory of his Academy Award nomination.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Best News Ever

One of my personal heroes, Hilary Clinton, has finally annouced what I've been praying for all these years - her running for President. Besides my personal admiration of Clinton as a woman, I think she is smarter, faster and better qualified than any Democrat in politics today. As much as I admire Barack Obama as well, I think Clinton is the best choice we have right now...Barack can run in 2106, when he is 50 years old and has more political experience. And all this will be a win-win for America and get the country back on track from the disaster of the Bush administration the last 6 years.

So excited!!!!!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Required Reading

My daily celebrity gossip and news junkie addictions are fast approaching scary proportions. I find that I can't concentrate on what I have to do unless I am checking a number of Web sites throughout the day to make sure I haven't missed anything going on in the world outside my office. Some may call this ADD. I call it "research" and "stuff I should be up on because I'm in PR and it's my job to know these things." I also occasionally call it "Things I Need to Know in Order to Continue Kicking A$$ at Trivial Pursuit, specifically the Pop Culture Edition."

At any given moment in time, I am checking the following:

and the blogs of my friends:

and the blogs of friends of friends:

This is a lot of f*ing Web sites, considering that all but two of these outlets pretty much recycle the same crap amongst themselves. However, if you are bored, and in need of good "pass the time" on any of the links above. Don't think you will be able to memorize this stuff like I can though...but feel free to challenge me to Trivial Pursuit anyway.

Remember..tonight...might be the best night EVER

Just a reminder to set your TiVo's to both the Colbert Report and the O'Reilly Factor, as both Bill O'Reilly (boooo! boooo!) and Steven Colbert (hooray! hooray!) will be the guests on each other's shows. Steven is going to bring his A-game tonight...I can feel it...and I can't wait!

Dina Lohan is a Moron

My support for Team Lohan is unwavering...get well soon Lindsay! However, it is official that Dina Lohan is out of her mind. She issued the following statement after it broke that Lindsay is in rehab:

"I'm so proud of her. She's really in a good place right now, spiritually and mentally. She's in an amazing, phenomenal place. She's 20 and she's solid, and she's doing what she needs to do. I don't know that many people who are that secure. It's all about her, and getting back on track. She's fine -- she's amazingly fine."

Are you kidding me? Your 20-year-old daughter, who legally isn't even allowed to drink yet, checks into rehab and you say she's in an amazing and phenomenal place? That she's solid? Is this a joke? She is NOT fine or secure! She needs a mother, who can help her reign it in! A 20-year-old cannot be let loose in Los Angeles with millions of dollars to her name, while her mother does who-knows-what back in Long Island...(I read Page Six, I know what you've been up to Dina!)

This is so sad...I think Lindsay is super talented. I'm afraid she's heading down the same path as like River Phoenix or something...hopefully she's got her head on straighter than we know. Team Lohan in 2007!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My Xmas List Has Already Been Started...

Yes. I would like the AWESOMENESS that will be the Jack Bauer action figure, under the tree, on December 25. Nevermind that I will be 27 years old at that time (nevermind that I just saw my life flash before my eyes either) matters not. One gift mom, and I know you read this. There will be two editions. And I want them both.

New Girl Crush

Kathryn Heigl of Grey's Anatomy! Not only was she one of the best dressed at the Golden Globes (and in general at awards shows) but she seems down-to-earth and real. Most specifically, she spoke out against Isiah Washington's unnecessary re-hashing of the on-set drama involving T.R. Knight telling Access Hollywood that his comments were unnecessary, that he should learn to keep his mouth shut and said she would beat down anyone who spoke out against her friends!!! Love it!! Cause that sounds like something I would say. Like the one time some a-hole cop blocked us in at a football game when we were parked illegally (and it was obvious we didn't know we were) and I called him an a-hole for talking to my friend like an idiot and then he sat there and blocked us in for two more hours. And I just continued calling him a d*@k until one of my friend's went over and apologized for my mouth. But then I gave him the middle finger out the back window on our way out of the parking lot, much to my delight, much to the chagrin of my friends...but I digress.

Anyways, I remember hating Isiah Washington when he appeared on Oprah because he was all high and mighty about his role and I was like dude, you are an actor, calm down, you're not really a cardiothoracic surgeon. Especially because he appeared alongside Ellen Pompeo who was so sweet and cool....anyways, the point of this is Kathryn Heigl kicks ass!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Golden Globes Thoughts

My thoughts on the Golden Globes…very quickly.

Dane Cook. YES.

Sascha Baron Cohen. HOT.


Jamie Foxx. I HATE YOU.

Jennifer Hudson. I LOVE YOU.

Kate Winslet. PERFECTION.

Cameron Diaz. HO-RRENDOUS.






Martin Scorsese. FINALLY! GO ITALIANS!

Mark Wahlberg. JUST…YES.

Forest Whittaker. ADORABLE.

And finally some good news. Although they weren’t full-on tears, when American Ferrara won her Golden Globe I had tears in my eyes. I had to squeeze realllly hard for them to come out and I was two glasses of wine deep, but they were there. This is the pointless crap I am used to crying over…with any luck and without alcoholic assistance, I’ll be back on track soon.

Book Recos

Also...finished Sammy's Hill last week by Kristen Gore and it was amazing. This is the book I would love to write and am currently trying to write (Page 10 ya'll!). Highly, highly recommend it.

So then I started this new book called "Bloodchild and other stories" by Octavia something or other. I picked this up in the building book exchange not realizing that it was science fiction short stories. I've never been one for science fiction in general, nevermind in print form, but I figured in the spirit of trying new things in the new year, I'd give it a shot.

It's just as wierd as one would expect. The first story was about humans who are kept on a preserve and raised to give birth to the alien lifeforms who keep them alive, with particular emphasis on one human and one alien who are like in love or something. The second story is about people who are born with a disease that causes them to mutilate themselves until they die. This one is more interesting than the other, but kind of graphic and hard to read at times.

This is not my cup of tea, however, I can appreciate two things 1.) Inventing entire new worlds is not an easy thing to do, much less write about, in a convincing way and 2.) the writing is very good.

Moreover, it's book #3 on the year and that's more important that anything. Once finished, I'll be three down, 23 to go.

P.S. the Italian DVDs remain unopened to date.

TV is back!

This is quickly shaping up to be the best week ever. Jack Bauer is back and in full effect. American Idol, no words necessary, starts again tomorrow. Heroes starts again next week. Listen closely, that's the sound of my head almost exploding.

I'm a Heartless B!tch

Over the weekend, I watched several really sad movies and TV shows with my roommates in an attempt to see if I could get myself to cry. I recently saw the movie “The Holiday” and despite my contempt for Cameron Diaz realized that I too, could not cry and in fact, have not cried in nearly seven months. (in The Holiday, Cameron's character has a problem crying which is conveniently solved near the movie's end.)

I have no explanation for this. I used to cry all the time – as a matter of fact, I love crying. Everyone feels better after crying. I don’t even have to be sad, if something is exciting or funny or happy, I’ll cry about it. I didn’t cry in front of other people until I was 13 or so, but once I began doing it, I loved it.

Now, I’ve reverted somehow and it bothers me. Not only am I not crying, I’m not even getting a lump in my throat.

So I TiVo’d Extreme Makeover Home Edition and all these shows with sad/uplifting topics to see if I could get my tear ducts working normally again. In the meantime, my roommates have taken to calling me “heartless bitch” for my recent emotional shortcomings and I don’t really like that.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Cool NY Activity

Last night, I got the opportunity to check out the Upright Citizen's Brigade theater and had a kick-ass time. If you've never checked it out, you really should. Especially on Tuesday's when apparently improv comedy troupes come perform. Based on audience suggestion, the troupes act out an idea over the course of a half hour. For example, last night someone shouted out eBay and right then and there the troupe acted out the birth of eBay and it's world domination. It was so funny. And amazing, considering they were making everything up on the spot.

It's perfect for a date or just something to do when bored. And you support local theater and comedy at the same time.

Oh and FYI...

..on the resolution front, just thought it was worth noting that on the plane ride back from SoFla to NYC on January 2, I read an entire book. Granted, it was cheesy airport fare, but it was decent enough to whip through. It was called Mad River Road in case you're ever in the airport and can't do another SuDoKu puzzle.

I'm also halfway through a very excellent book called Sammy's Hill...written by Al Gore's daughter, Kristen Gore. It's so funny and relevant and I'm not even finished with it yet. I highly recommend it.

Also, happy to report that my building has begun an unofficial book swap on the bottom floor and I've already given/taken three I think this New Year's reso is right on track. Take that haters!

Best Night of Television...Ever?

One of my favorite television shows of all time, The Colbert Report, will be at it's all time best on January 18 when Colbert interviews Bill O'Reilly (host of one of my most hated television shows of all time) on his show...and then O'Reilly will host Colbert on his.

It took me a full day to process this information and then I realized, that besides every episode of American Idol to have ever aired, this might be the best night of television...ever.

As a matter of fact, I'm not alone in thinking this. I don't think I could have put it any better than the people at my new favorite blog did:

"Next Thursday, January 18th, Stephen Colbert and Bill O’Reilly are going to appear on each other’s respective shows. And I’m going to appear on my respective couch in front of my respective TiVo."

Monday, January 08, 2007

Hey, Jealousy

No matter how over someone you are, I think it's just human nature to be weirded out when your ex starts dating someone new. Through the phenomenal stalking tool that is MySpace, I happened to notice, quite on accident, I SWEAR, that my ex-boyfriend may be dating a new girl. Confirmed for sure via semi-drunken text message earlier this evening. (Side note, there is a new blog coming on why text messaging is the devil, compiled by various brunch conversations this weekend.)

Anyone who knows me, knows that me and this person should not be together and breaking up, after a very long and drawn out period of time, was better for the both of us. And I cannot repeat enough times that I have finally exorcised my demons and am in a good place now, after the personal debacle that was my summer and early fall.

That's why I was so surprised to feel the wierd feeling I got noticing that he was with someone else, even though I can't lie, the small sense of victory I got from knowing I'm cuter than she is felt pretty good haha.

Maybe what bothered me more is that his dating her, I suspect, times not so coincidentally with his decision to stop talking to me. One of the things that I always hoped for J. and I would be that we could be the exes that never stopped being friends, given that we were best friends for such a long time before we got together. Maybe that was wishful thinking, I am realistic...and I know that more often than not, this is not the case. And I guess I have no choice but to be okay with that, and for once, I think I am.

But given the dating scene here in New York, which can only be described as hellish at best, it is a bit difficult to know that he won the race that we all kind of enter when we break up with someone, a race we are only semi-conscious of entering. Despite my desire not to wish him the best, I still care enough about him and actually do wish him the best. He doesn't read this blog, luckily, but hopefully my good karma comes back to me sooner or later.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Today was a GREAT day.

On my way into work this morning, I was running a bit behind schedule, so I didn't think it would be too dangerous to stop into Kudo Beans (homebase of McWigger) for a coffee, especially because McWigger's hours are 10-3 and at this point in time it was only 8:45.

I get to the counter and guess who pops up to serve me! McWigger! I held back my gasp, because I was truly surprised, and said hello. I kind of cursed myself because this is clearly my own violation, but I never expected him to be in there, nevermind behind the register.

However, I got out the hello and he said what's going on in a friendly tone and I ordered a regular coffee. Of course he made an elementary-school style joke about my turtleneck, which I deflected, and then ordered a bagel. And then...nothing!! That was it. I got my change and left, as if it was any other coffee shop in the world.

I was elated. I don't think I'll be making any regular appearances at the store, but at least now I know the going is safe. Without wanting to jinx myself, I think I'm going to go ahead and say that the McWigger saga is over. Which is a bit sad, because it's so damned funny, but it's also drama, and I hate drama. I'm like Mary J. Blige...except white. And...well a lot of other things too I guess, but Mary J. and I have this one thing in common.

Nelly Furtado

As usual, I'm a little late to hop on the what's-hot-in-music bandwagon (you may recognize me, I'm the one running behind it, jumping on at the last possible second), and I know that a lot of people have already heaped praise on Nelly Furtado's latest album, which I recently downloaded. But there are two really good tracks on there "Say It Right" and "All Good Things (Come to an End)" that are so awesome, I just can't stop playing them. Ladies, play them for yourself (boys you can dance to them if you want but if I were you I'd skip them to save your masculinity) and listen to the lyrics. Then listen to "Maneater" one more time, and I'm pretty sure you'll sail through 2007 with the same attitude I have adopted for myself. Something along the lines of F* it, let's just see where the road takes us. Even if you don't want to adopt that attitude, the songs are good to make you feel better about whatever may be going on. LOVE IT!

New Job

Also, today I accepted an offer that couldn't be refused from one of the places I was freelancing at, to work full-time. I'm really happy with my decision, I get to keep all of my 2007 travel plans (of which there are many) and I have opportunities for growth that I didn't think I'd have until a few years down the road. Although I LOVED freelancing, I HATED it's unpredictability, so this is awesome. I am finally excited about my career again and I have something I can really throw myself into. New Year + New Job = New Possibilities!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Reason Number 2,567 Why I'm Not Sexy

So on New Year's Eve, I went to this party in Tampa with my best friend O. and her new boyfriend. The party was being thrown by a couple who lives in Tampa, who are friends with girls in my best friend's graduate classes at UF.

So O's friends have been trying to set her up for some time with a friend of theirs, who lives in New York named G. But now O. is no longer single and apparently G. is good-looking, smart and funny. So O. says get your game face on just in case and I'm like yeah, okay whatever.

We get there and I promptly forget that this person is supposed to be coming, I'm busy just trying to meet people, get to know everyone and blend in. The couple who threw the party was sooo nice, they were barbecuing for everyone and pretty soon a hamburger comes my way.

I am absolutely STARVING, so I'm like scarfing my hamburger down when all of the sudden, O. taps me on the shoulder to meet G....precisely at the same minute that I stuffed a GIANT piece of hamburger in my mouth.

So I cover my mouth with one hand, turn to shake with the other and find myself staring at a super hot kid. I scream inside my head "MOTHERFUCKER!" but manage to meet him anyways.

A few moments later, someone asks if I've met G. and I'm thankfully sans burger at this point, and he says, yes we met when she was right in the middle of her hamburger. At more or less the same time, I go, yes I was taking a big bite of hamburger, it was totally hot, I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm very attractive. It was a good joke, O. laughed, as did I. G.? Not so much. I found out later, even though during the night we did talk and said we'd hang out in NYC that he hooked up with another girl there anyways. Which is fine, it's New Year's Eve and that's what people do...unless you are me, who meets the only hot boy at a party with cheeks stuffed full of hamburger.


A New McWigger Story

..after a story about grocery store freaks.


Although I’m not technically making it a New Year’s resolution, one of the things I’d like to do in 2007 is cook at home more. Despite the fact that I always thought I was a really bad cook, I am, in fact, a pretty decent one, and would like to do practice. So last night, I opened up the Rachel Ray cookbook my sister bought me last Christmas (and up until yesterday had not been opened) and found a soup recipe that looked good.

I wrote down the ingredients and headed off to the grocery store to buy everything and upon arriving promptly had my eyes rest on the cucumbers and remembered an dirty joke my mom told me on Christmas Eve. I was peeling cucumbers for the salad and remarked how really obscene looking cucumbers were. I’m not quite sure why I wondered that out loud, and in front of my mom, but then my mom said well you know what they say, if cucumbers could take out the garbage, what would we need men for? I guess the apple doesn’t fall too far after all.

Anyways, so I see the cucumbers, and have to work really hard not to laugh out loud and set off to find everything. I had everything together before I noticed that you needed rosemary. The grocery store did not have the various spices labeled and between the dill, thyme, mint, cilantro, parsley, basil, etc. I had NO idea which one rosemary was. I stared for a few minutes trying to figure it out and then I did the next best thing – I started picking each one up and sniffing it. About five sniffs later, they all smelled the same, so I turned to the lady next to me and said:

“This is going to sound really dumb, but do you know which one rosemary is?”

I got a blank stare. And then she gave this really creepy and maniacal laugh. I was a bit confused to say the least, so I tried again. I thought maybe she did not speak English and could have been a bit confused.

So, I pointed to the spices and go – “rosemary?”

Blank stare. No laugh.

So, I went back to English and said “Umm I don’t cook a whole lot…do you know which one is rosemary?”

And then she just goes No. Like I was the crazy one. I mean, I guess it is possible she caught me sniffing all the spices like I was trying to get high from them. I don’t know.
But I just turned around, cause clearly this lady is a freak regardless of what she thinks of me, and I spy a little pre-packaged clump of rosemary, which I bought and the soup came out delicious.

It was bound to happen I guess. So, after the grocery store adventure, I went home and put all the groceries away, changed and headed out to the gym. I wasn’t feeling too hot, but my iPod came back to life, so I did my 2 miles on the treadmill even though I felt like lead and went downstairs to stretch it out.

I’m right in the middle of stretching when I see McWigger coming down the stairs with his friend Hockey Scout (one of the coffee shop crew of guys was this guy who is a scout for the Devils. He’s nice, but he’s friends with McWigger, therefore, he’s a douche-by-association in my book). Anyways, I have no idea what they are doing there since McWigger went on and on and on during our “date” about his workout routine in the morning (and this was about 6 p.m. at night) at New York Sports Clubs. He gave me the entire rundown of his fitness routine and made it very clear that although he was really good friends with Original Gym Boyfriend (also the gym’s owner) that the gym didn’t have everything to fit his needs, even though he could go for NOTHING! Which didn’t surprise me because McWigger enjoyed spending money, he told the price of everything he had bought the entire month before our “date” as well as the price of his outfit! That detail may not be known to some of you.

Anyways, so here they are in MY gym coming down the stairs! I’m like Jesus H. Christ don’t tell me they are going to start working out here now. So McWigger spies me and gives me like a finger point and I just kind of moved my mouth to the corner in a half smile/grimace and then looked down and kept stretching.

I move onto situps, which weren’t easy because a.) I haven’t worked out in two weeks and b.) I have a cold … so I’m taking a number of breaks. McWigger and his friend were using the bench press right in front of me so it was really difficult not to look their way if I had my head up at all. At one point, I do catch his eye and he gives me like a hurry up signal and I respond with a very exaggerated hacking cough that I’m sure was super attractive. And then I just go I’m sick and put my head back down. But for the most part, McWigger was not looking at me at all and was ignoring me too! Thank God! Maybe he has gotten the hint!

I needed a weight to finish the last part of my situps and on my way to get it, McWigger pretends to go and trip me as I walk by. I step right over him and get the weight, go the long way back to my mat. By now, McWigger and his friend have moved on to another part of the gym and I’m free to look wherever I please. I finish my workout and leave without further incident.

The good news is, I’d actually rather be on these semi-acknowledgement and then ignore terms with McWigger than having to avoid him all together since clearly we’re going to run into one another from time to time. So long as he’s not yelling to embarrass me – and actually just embarrassing himself – I think we’ll be fine. Like I’ve said before, he’s totally emotionally-stunted and an assclown, but he’s not dangerous or anything. The bad news is, I do NOT want to see McWigger in the gym with anything resembling regularity. His laugh goes right under my skin and he’s one of those annoying guys who is like always laughing at his own jokes and at everything everyone says.

I guess the test will be if they are in the gym today or if this was a one-time incident. Please pray for me.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2007 New Year's Resolutions

In order to properly make 2007 New Year's resolutions, I thought I'd go back to my 2006 resolutions to see how well I did.

My 2006 resolutions were:

1.) Read 52 books. Status: Failed. I read a good number of books, but no where close to 52. I say I read between 13-20...and only a handful worth remembering. The rest were what I picked up in the airport to keep myself occupied.

2.) Learn Italian. Status: Failed. The DVD set my sister got me remains unopened on my book shelf. Que pena. Too bad that's spanish.

3.) Write for 15 minutes every day. Status: Questionable at best. Maybe if you averaged all that I wrote it would net out somewhere near 15 minutes every two or three days. But not every day.

4.) Call friends and family more often. Status: Pretty okay. Sadly, MySpace and e-mail may have allowed me to slack on this a bit, but if the object is too keep in touch than I did just fine.

5.) Don't Worry About Things Beyond Your Control. Status: Great success (said in Borat voice). I actually think I did really well with this one, letting go of things that keep me down and keep focused on the positive. I guess if I had to stick with any resolution, this would have been the best one.

So, with my 20% success rate in keeping my 2006 resolutions, maybe I should set slightly more manageable goals for 2007. Those are:

1.) Learn Italian. I fully plan on going to Italy by year's end. My sister got me the travel guide to go with the language DVDS, so if this does not get done I'm going to trade in my last name and heritage. Because I don't deserve them.

2.) Read 26 Books. That's one book every two weeks. And if I just stop f*ing around on the computer, reading pointless celeb gossip throughout the day, this should not be a problem.

3.) Write for 10 minutes every day. Just writing this post is taking care of today. I feel more accomplished already. Plus, I'm on Page 9 of my book. If I can write for just 10 minutes every day, that's 3,650 minutes of writing. That's about 61 hours of writing, which should get me well past page 100. One would hope.

4.) Travel. Alot. With two planned trips to Europe already on the table, I hope this is not too hard. Plus, I want to buy a giant world map and start sticking in pins of every place I've been to- both in the US and abroad. I think that will be good motivation too.

And I think that's about good enough to set myself up for failure. Just like I did last year, sometime around June I'll check in with myself and see how well I'm not doing.